Mama Remedy

Art Credit Sina Rupp

The Blue Birch

Det som göms i snö,
kommer fram vid tö.

"What is hidden in snow,
is revealed at thaw."

-Veena Idiom-


Name: "Remedy"
Previous Name: Völfa Bjra of Hrokkr
In-Game: Mama Remedy
Alias(es): "Bjarkan" "Bja" "Bea" "Beatrix bas Vatis" "Bulga" "Bidya" "Banyat" "Bira"
Gender: Female
Race: Viera
Clan: Veena
Tribe: None
Former Tribe: Hrokkr
Current Occupation: ApotheCafé Proprietor, Greenweaver, Translator, Sorceress.
Previous Occupation: Former-Priestess
Citizenship: Ishard (Immigrant), Othard/Dalmasca (Birth), Garlemald (Honorary)
Nameday: 17th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Age: 180+
Marital Status: Married; Strictly Monogamous Taken
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 173 cm / 5'8"
Weight: 93kg / 205lbs
Specialty: Runic Enchantment, Aetherial Infusion
Magical Skills: Highly Adept at several forms of Magic with a focus in Enchantment.
Elemental Affinities: Water/Ice
Martial Skills: Fencing (Recreational), Archery (Recreational).
Voice: Soft, Smokey; Mezzo-Soprano
Voice Claim - Susan Egan

Art by -Rem-

CURRENTOver the past cycles, the Hrokkr priestess has at long last relinquished her dream of uniting her peoples and urging her tribe into the modern age. The decision came without warning, preceded by yet another careful extrication of herself from society.She no longer answers to her former names or titles.Her personality has transformed so profoundly that those who came to know her may no longer recognize her by tone, nature, or sentiment.The Veena no longer frequents the busy avenues of the bustling Eorzean cities.Bjra, or 'Remedy' as she is now known, lives rather elusively and can oft be discovered only through outstandingly mundane instances of kismet.-PREVIOUSAs numerous others of her kin, the Völfa ('Staff-Bearer'/Seeress) Bjra has followed her winding thread of fate as far as Aldernard's shores in these most recent moons. Over a century has passed since she set forth from her small village nestled deep within the Skatay Range in northern Golmore, to take in the star as it would come to face its next foretold era. In the length of her journey, she has filled many roles; Mender, Scholar, Apothecary, Witch, Merchant, Midwife, Sage. Her allegiances have been nigh as numerous, and the names she has taken throughout, equally varied.To those who have become neighbors and friends, she has slipped as painlessly as a shadow into their lives, at times seemingly overnight. Endowed with an ever-growing knowledge of both worldly and divine subjects and a gentle, beatific nature, the Seeress does not oft fail to establish herself as a valuable member of any community willing to open its arms to her. Moons and moons, even epochs have been spent in such increasingly familiar company, however, only for the pleasant woman to disappear one sun as seamlessly as she came, without warning or explanation.Matronly in form as much as manner, Bjra had at long last commenced the latest chapter in her lifelong goal of service to her tribe as countless Völfur have before; her firsthand observation and documentation of Eorzea, its diverse inhabitants, their lives, histories, goals, successes, and perhaps most importantly, their ever-accumulating failures.(Please feel free to have a look at my headcanon tribe, the 'Hrokkr', and their brother tribe, the 'Geirr' here!)

Hooks & Engagement

Art by Minoruru


  • A humble proprietress of 'The ApotheCafé', an establishment that offers a variety of enchanted food that suits any needs.

  • She serves dutifully as a point of contact to Ishgardian citizens or supporters in need of her skills or knowledge.

  • Her skills in Greenweaving and Mistweaving sees her as an invaluable advisor in the subjects of botany and alchemy.


  • As an ex-Völfa of the Hrokkr, she is now incredibly reluctant to discuss matters of Vieran spirituality.

  • Though her primary function in service to her tribe's Crones (advisors) was to perform long distance communication via traditional methods, the Veena remains quite the proficient Greenweaver.

  • Remedy remains compelled to provide succor to those in dire need if beseeched, particularly the elderly, mothers, and children, regardless of circumstance, alignment, or repayment.


  • Spoken not yet intimately familiar with the physiological differences of her kind may have difficulty identifying her age based on appearance alone as she is possessed of exceptionally diminutive height and deceptively youthful features.

  • Remedy's body mass can fluctuate severely between zaftig and svelte, sometimes within a span of mere suns. The latter typically follows a potent expenditure of her bodily aether as she metabolizes her stores of excess body fat in order to replenish them.

  • As an ex-Hrokkr, her seniority is worn upon her person in the form of nigh imperceptible, white runes typically displayed along her arms, ranging from shoulder to wrist as well as her median line on both chest and back. These react to certain aetheric stimuli.

  • Her previous braids and runic-stone wearing no longer apply. She dresses exclusively in non-native clothing, custom tailored to be augmented for her preferred forms of sorcery.

  • She is a reputable and well-rounded Sorceress with respectable knowledge of most forms of magic. Her runic enchantments are her greatest focus, often employed to augment Spoken, beastkin, or objects in order to facilitate more powerful spellwork and most often used to further enhance her medicinal and culinary offerings.

  • The pleasant little woman can often be seen in the company of her mate and is rarely spotted without her infant child either bundled to her back or cradled in her arms.


  • Sight: While a few features are apparent even at a distance, such as her striking coloration, atypical shape, and particularly thick-furred, petal-shaped ears, some features are only apparent when faced head on. Amongst these are her eyes which, at first glance, seem to be lacking pupils; a closer inspection reveals a saturation of misty aether typically present beneath her corneas which obscures her natural iris hue and the pupils beneath. This does not seem to completely impact her vision, however.

  • Sound: Remedy has a particularly melodic speaking voice. As the Hrokkr culturally rely on their vocal and aural prowess for Mistweaving and communication purposes, these are some of her most prominent features and remain intrinsically connected to her magical aptitude. Though she can command an almost supernatural range in pitch, her natural voice is a saccharine, husky tone that most earnestly expresses her matronly disposition. Whatever language she speaks is, characteristically, devoid of any native accent. It bears mentioning that Remedy is capable of speaking (to some degree) and understanding most languages, written and spoken, both ancient and modern. She is most fluent in the major languages of Ilsabard and Othard where over a century of her life has been spent.

  • Scent: Remedy's scent profile is somewhat complex to those with a strong olfactory sense. On the surface are the sweet smells of baked sweets mingled with the harder edge of alchemical concoctions worn alongside a stronger scent of bergamot and lavender. Beneath, her natural scent is a faint, barely detectable verdant one, reminiscent of pine and mint. Above it all there is an almost intrusive, masculine scent of earth and musk that can be easily identified as her mate's.



  • Pending


  • Help Wanted: In recent times, Bjra has put forth a number of official handbills requesting the aid of seasoned adventurers capable of traveling to, and familiar with the southern reaches of Othard as well as those hailing from or associated with Ishgard.

  • Imperial Mercatus: Those who have spent time in distant eastern Garlean territories over an epoch hence may recognize this Viera by her unique coloration and markings as an amicable Civis Mercatus primarily associated with the IVth Legion with over three epochs of voluntary service to the Empire. She remains a reliable contact for some Garleans, Imperial or otherwise, and may be easily and proudly branded a 'Garlean (if not Imperial) Sympathizer'.

  • Aetherial Aficionado: All manner of mage or warrior who possesses aetherial ability may unwittingly attract the Veena through bold displays or word of mouth. Similarly, an ongoing discussion regarding aether within her vicinity may draw the woman's attention.

  • Vieran Haven: Public postings state that any Viera regardless of tribe, identity, clan, or heritage, exiled or otherwise, can contact her directly through correspondence if they are interested in contributing to a collective of their kind. These postings suggest that the sorceress is endeavoring to create a 'colony' for them, free of discrimination where there will be access to Vieran resources otherwise difficult to find in the realm outside their ancestral homes.

  • Crystal Collector: Hrokkr 'sacrifices' are scattered throughout the realm and vary greatly in their vocations. A Hrokkr comrade, faced with their inevitable demise, will commonly implore a trusted friend to return their sacred crystal to another Völfa of the tribe. Bjra is one such possible recipient.

Potential Obstacles


  • Pending


  • The Veena can prove obstinate in her opinions on certain topics and had proven outright dismissive of opinions formed in the absence of personal experience or investment.

  • She can prove to be almost arrogant in regards to others' cultures, particularly on subjects involving magical prejudices, histories, or superstition.

  • Hostile, combat-oriented individuals who harass or assault her are like to face swift, potent, magical repercussions.

Hrokkr Tribe

I am always open to sharing my headcanon Veena tribe, the 'Hrokkr' or their brother-group the 'Geirr' with other roleplayers. If you're interested in making use of this reclusive tribe, please feel free to contact me at any time!



Her Jack

The singular catalyst responsible for the metamorphosis she faces now, this elder Imperial veteran is an enigma whose complexities confounded and entranced her.These days the two have bonded, sharing one life and purpose. They raise their young, unbound kit in unison.


Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Out of Character

Art by Tovio Rogers

Timezone: Central Standard Time (UTC-6)
Inactive hours: 1:00 am - 8:00 am
Data Center: Crystal
Server: Mateus
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18+ Roleplayer: This does NOT denote any inclination or preference towards 'mature' roleplay. Though I welcome dark and mature themes within reason, they are not my priority.

Encouraged Angles:

  • Platonic

  • Familial/Clan

  • Business/Occupational

  • Combat (/roll and collaborative)

  • Conflict/Rivalry

  • Long-Term

Discouraged Angles:

  • Romantic/Sexual/ERP

  • Gratuitous Gore

  • Abduction/Kidnapping

  • Alternate Universe/Non-Canon


  • Unsolicited ERP requests, implicit or explicit, in or out of character, may be met with unapologetic reproach, regardless of reasoning.

  • Apart from the circumstance illustrated above, I don't equate IC actions with OOC intent/demeanor. I respect villainous or lecherous characters and their RPers. Likewise, my character's prejudices/preferences are not reflective of my own.

  • I do not condone meta-gaming (without precedent) or god-modding. However, if you have a character with the means (supernatural or otherwise) to acquire information about my character within reason, feel free to contact me so that I can supply the intel.

  • This is a typically non-combative character but I am happy to engage in /roll-based combat with a mind for her physical limitations (translated into reasonable penalties in the numeric results of my rolls based on the circumstances). Some amount of prior OOC-communication will be expected for the sake of clarity.

  • That said, Remedy is an incredibly potent spell-caster and quite inclined to employ devastating spell-craft for the sake of self-defense. Proportionate to her physical limitations, her spell-work is her greatest focus (translated into proportionate bonuses in the numeric results of my rolls based on circumstances) and individuals with arbitrarily hostile or violent characters would do well to avoid instigating random confrontations if they are not prepared to handle the consequences. In short, by instigating an unwarranted attack, you welcome equally disproportionate, possibly permanent harm.

  • While Remedy is not a WoL, I am not averse to interacting with WoL characters.

  • Remedy does not possess the Echo, nor is she capable of 'seeing' aether hues without equipment or spellwork. She is, however, a Viera mage and highly sensitive to minute shifts in aether.

  • Minor lore-bending is perfectly acceptable to me; that said, I personally prefer to adhere to (and work within the bounds of) the established lore as much as possible.

  • Feel free to communicate with me OOC regarding anything RP related; apart from my basic list of no-no's, I'm very flexible.